Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I am a big supporter of co-sleeping with your baby. Especially if you are a single Mom, or a breastfeeding Mom. It honestly is a lot easier to get sleep if your little one is in the bed with you. I have heard a lot of people say things about rolling over and smothering the child, and honestly if you are a heavy sleeper then co-sleeping probably isn't a good option for you. However, I strongly believe that when that Motherly instinct kicks in, it never shuts off even when you're asleep. I could honestly hear Landon breathing in my dreams! If he even made a peep, I knew about it. I always felt more at ease because I knew he was right there next to me, I didn't have to get up ten times during the night to check and see if he was still breathing! Not to mention that it is ten times easier to roll over and feed the baby in the middle of the night before they wake all the way up and start screaming! :)

The best thing that I can say about co-sleeping is the bond that you have with your child. Particularly if you spend your days away from baby. It becomes your makeup snuggle time with them! I really cherish my memories of having baby Landon in the bed with me. I was worried that it would be really difficult to transition him to his own crib, but it really was no big deal. When he was eight months old, he just decided that he was ready. I laid him down in his own crib and he drifted off to sleep. Occasionally he will spend the night with me, if he is not feeling well or something, but for the most part he sleeps in his very own nursery.


The Taylor's said...

what a cheeser! Josh loves his facial expressions!
PS- he is a "bad boy" already!