Monday, September 8, 2008

Day Care Dilema

So it is coming to the point where my schedule with work and school is going to force me into placing Landon in day care. I have been so blessed thus far to have a great family support system so that he has always been in trusting hands! Starting next semester though, I will be having a 4 day/week school schedule plus my job. Way too much of a load to place on any one's shoulders! I am now beginning my search for a good day care. I don't want him to be at a place where they basically babysit all day, I would like him to be learning something. That is why I am hoping to find a place that has some sort of curriculum for small children. It will be good for Landon to be around other children his age, because he has yet to experience that. Although I am not looking forward to all the germs he will pick up from these other children! It is really going to be tough to leave him at a day care, but it has to be done. I am working and going to school in order to give him all the things that he needs/wants. This one of the many sacrifices we must make as parents I guess.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Long Days...

After yet another long day, I am exhausted! Working from 9-5 really shouldn't take this much out of a person! I guess the fact that my little man is teething and woke up 4 times during the night may have something to do with it. I miss him so much while I am at work. Sometimes it's really tough to concentrate on what I'm supposed to be doing because I am trying to imagine what he is doing at that exact moment! I wonder if that ever changes? Probably not! I can't wait until after I graduate; when I will only have to worry about one job instead of full time school and a job. Although it is going to be really hard for me to put Landon in day care... Trusting complete strangers with my precious angel! Well, it's past my bed time and I am pooped, so off to my bed I go!

Friday, September 5, 2008

My boy

My boy has to be the cutest thing on earth! There is nothing that I can delight more in than the sound of his little laugh. Or his pathetic little grunting noise he makes when he knows he is about to get some milk. :) I love how ticklish he is under his arms and on the small of his back. I love how when he gets really mad he makes this gurgling noise as he rolls his tongue. He is my heart, there is just no two ways about it!

Worries of the single Mom!

Okay, so while I wouldn't trade my experience's so far as a single Mom for anything... There have been times where it has been particularly challenging! One of the biggest things is the fact that I am a first time Mom. Everything is new when it comes to my little one. When he is unusually cranky in the middle of the night, feels warm and is pulling at his ear; there is no one else there to say "Hey, maybe we should take him to the ER". There is no one else here to ask questions at 3am! I have had a few nights where I have broken down and taking him to the emergency room, only for them to tell me that it must be teething because nothing appears to be medically wrong with him! Perhaps it will become easier when he is old enough to actually TELL me what is wrong... Until then I am just going to keep doing it the best way I know how! :)